Jane Tough


For 24 years I have focused my career around creating learning experiences that inspire leadership and team development.  I’ve worked with senior leaders and teams in large corporate and non-corporate organisations both locally & internationally.    I’m infinitely fascinated in people and draw on multiple disciplines and a fine tuned intuition to understand my clients and design in response to what matters to them. 

Combined with an innate understanding of business, I have a growing interest in stress reactivity and finding mindful responses to life and work.

I live in Cape Town, South Africa with my husband and 2 children.  I approach life as a learner and enjoy remote holidays, creative pursuits and time spent in conversation with family and friends.  I engage in daily mindfulness practices to build my awareness, compassion and quality of attention.

professional experience

My passion for organization development and systems thinking at University led me to joining an Organisation Development Consultancy where I worked across industries and organization levels on strategic projects to grow and nurture people potential and organization performance.

Later I joined Woolworths Pty Ltd where I led change management on key cross-functional projects for the business solutions group and introduced a new performance management system and led the coaching function for the talent management team.

Over the past 14 years I have been growing a leadership and team coaching practice.

Key qualifications

BA Hons Psychology (University of Stellenbosch, University of SA)

Post Graduate Diploma HRM (Univeristy of Cape Town)

Certificate in Mindfulness-based Interventions (University of Stellenbosch)

Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF)

Certified Integral Coach (UCT GSB Centre for Coaching/New Ventures West, USA)

Ontological Coaching in Action Worshop

Leadershiip Embodiment Level 1 & 2 workshops

Enneagram Assessment and Individual/Team Coaching

Myers-Briggs Assessments and Individual/Team CoachingPGD HRM (UCT)Certificate in Mindfulness-based interventions (USB)


JnJ (Janssens) EMEA

2U/Get Smarter


Old Mutual Investment Group

SARS Women in Leadership Programme

UCT Women in Leadership Programme

OSF (Open Society Foundation)

Chevron USA

Engen SA

Get In touch

083 658-8778

available from 9.00 – 16:00

Email   jane@possibilityinc.co.za